Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Ghoster Epilogue: Dear Heart

Dear Heart,

I know right now you are still in distraught. We both thought that we are ready to move forward after what happened with the guy we last went out with two months ago. We thought we're just waiting for the scab to naturally peel off as what all wounds are meant to do right? But that one fateful event last weekend caused that scab to reinjure itself. Then it doesn't help when it was the first time we experienced being ghosted by the guy we last went out with only to see that same ghost facing the venue's entrance on a rainy afternoon. I know the horror we both experienced. It's like you would rather watch the scariest horror movie of all time or ride the scariest or most dangerous ride in an amusement park rather than seeing a ghost in a human flesh. Heck, I'm sure you weren't even scared whenever you visited a horror booth.

I know we both agreed that closure is not what we needed prior to that unexpected encounter - but because that was the situation that was presented in front of us, we might as well take the chance to clarify things with him. Logically, what he said the reason he wasn't interested was understandable - he doesn't have any feelings for us even if he said he tried his very best (we both knew he was telling the truth too). After all the priest told us that we can't beg for love, it was just that we both know that it was a cowardly move on his part not to tell us immediately or even tell the mutual person who introduced us and he chose to quietly walk away after almost three months of chatting and seeing each other in person just because he said he doesn't know how to tell us. We technically got the closure that we never thought we needed, it's just that I comprehended already - but I understand if you haven't yet.

Dear Heart, I understand that it wasn't easy on your part because we both knew that we initially didn't have any interest with him when the matchmaker attempted to pair us up with him - at all. Eventually, we decided that as we got to know him, we would choose to take a chance on him. I understand that between the two of us, you were the one who gambled more. I knew that it was the riskiest move that you did in your entire dating life. If it means admitting that you did love him (first love perhaps?) during those times because of the amount of care and concern you had on making sure he wouldn't get hurt - even if it means you or we would be hurt in the end, then so be it. Foolish as it may be, but if we can't admit it - it would be harder to move forward because you wouldn't still understand what is going on with you until now right?

I just want you to know that one day you will wake up to the reality on why being with him wouldn't work out in the long run. He wouldn't be able to give the love we wanted and deserve. I know we both saw the red flags on him, it's just that we either put it on the back of our mind or we immediately brushed it off because his mom was able to cover up the glimpse of his supposed red flag when we both invited her in one of our dates with him. I believe that one day you will realize that there is someone better that will come in our life, just know that I am here for you throughout this journey. You are going to be alright - you have to be proud of yourself from this experience because it shows how courageous you could be on taking a risk on loving someone - even if it means to be an unreciprocated one.



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