Friday, April 12, 2024

Most Painful Stopover or Longest Haul to Final Destination?

They said finding love is a journey… a journey wherein you would have experienced a lot such as the normal short and quick stopovers, a thought of your final destination because of the duration of your stay in that place only to find out you wouldn’t settle there, or it could be a very, very long haul only to find out it was your final destination.

So around two weeks ago, I sought an astrologer and a human design reader (same individual). I know they say not to solely depend on their predictions, but I decided to try it out for the sake of knowing myself better such as my strengths and weaknesses as an individual.

According to my chart, the astrologer was telling me that within the next few months, my dating life would be ramping up and I’m going to meet someone long-term; however, she also said that I’m going to marry late - which was also predicted a year ago by the face reader that I’m going to get married before the age of 40.

Which now leads me to asking a lot of questions and making assumptions. However, despite the questions and assumptions, this will all boil down to what are you willing to sacrifice, what are you willing to take risk in order to finally reach your final destination? It’s a matter of based on the information available to you, which path are you willing to take?

If I’m going to use that prediction as a basis, I know this is going to be a crazy year in terms of my dating life even if it we’re only in the 1st quarter since as of the moment, I already went out twice with two different guys - that is an achievement on my part because it means I already saw two different men in a span of single calendar year compared to before where I only meet one guy in the same calendar year. By going at this trend, we could say that maybe - just maybe I would finally be in my first romantic relationship with someone OR we would be going out steadily and longingly for probably more than three months (which is my longest if we remove the guys I chatted with during lockdown).

The caveat: At the age I’m into and probably the guy I’m going to date, it wouldn’t make sense to wait unless there are some issues (such as a close kin passed away that you have to follow Chinese customs - or other important stuff like the eldest brother has to get married first). This means if I’m not careful or I choose to rush things, the guy would be freaked out and would eventually break things off with me.

Basically it’s like will the guy I’m going to meet next around that time be my most painful stopover starting from that point in time and I would find another guy that I would get married to immediately? Or would I be on a very long haul before we walk down the aisle or what I call my final destination?

Choices, choices, difficult choices to make. You don’t know your future and predicting one removes the mystery and not trusting God that everything is possible with Him. Living in the moment to whoever guy was in front of you would be a crazy idea for me as like yes I enjoy it now, but I don’t know if we would be together in the future and if the future is not meant for us, would I still enjoy the time that we spent together on that place? Or would it bring you pangs of sad memories because although you are happy that time, it would bring you a lot of loneliness making you realize it wouldn’t work out in the end eventually - why make me happy at that moment if you would crush my heart into millions pieces at the end? People say make every moment count because remember at that time you are happy. I guess there is a reason why people say whenever you travel with your then lover, always have a solo picture of yourself so that if you and your then lover didn’t pan out, you would still have pictures and memories of yourself and your family (that would never leave you - unless they die) to hold on to, rather than uncomfortably delete the pictures that you have together because you knew it was over.

All I can say now is I don’t know what will happen next and how it will unfold - heck we don’t even know if it’s true or not because as my psychiatrist said, manage expectations but still be open to the idea of dating other people. I just hope I have a heart of a stone where they try to woo you and when they give up, you don’t feel any negative emotions at all. How I wish that would be so easy but it’s not…

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