Monday, February 26, 2024

One Line

Last week, I was scrambling to figure out what’s wrong with my programming code. I have done the same thing before, I just need to customize it to fit the current needs of my supervisors. I almost destroyed the original code I made because I cannot figure out why. Only to find out I just needed to add a single line and everything is in order. Crazy right?

So because I figured out the problem, I am thankful that I was able to return the original code back to where it was by adding that single line code to get the output that I needed to present to my supervisors. Having a copy is indeed helpful since not everybody is blessed with a memory that would allow you to remember each line properly.

Which made me realize that sometimes we destroy everything we built because we didn’t know what to do only to find out that we only need to tweak a single part of ourselves, a part of the problem that would cover a lot of issues that would keep us going. But the thing about these things was that we sometimes do not have any backup or extra copy for us to revert things back into original form and add the thing or part that would make our problem/issue work.

Similar to relationships, sometimes we make a lot of effort just to show our love to someone and we wonder why they don’t appreciate us for what we are doing, only to find out maybe sometimes we only need to say one line such as saying the words “I love you.” Those words are enough just to appease all the things that worry the other person. However, in life, time is very essential. We cannot revert time nor we cannot revert it back to the original timeline wherein everything is just starting to fall apart and then you add that one-liner that would make things get back on track.

Despite the fact that we think life is complicated, sometimes we are the ones that are making it complicated. If we look closely, we just need one line… a single thing to solve everything that we are going through right now, but instead we chose to destroy everything we built. The thing is life doesn’t have any backups. Life doesn’t have any extra copies for us to overwrite the destroyed output… and the only way is to remember the lessons and make sure we were able to apply these lessons and knowledge moving forward.

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