Monday, August 7, 2023

Looks and Brains Part 2: Universe Taking Over

They always say each person you meet whether it is a happy or sad ending will teach you something so you would grow stronger as a person.

Of all the guys I went out with, you are the only one I never immediately imagined of what life would be with you. I admit that you presented a different angle compared to the guys I met. I also kept on wondering why do I need to meet you in my lifetime? As we get to know each other, I kept on having different reasons in my head. Like did I meet you because at some point in your life, you and my late sister were once sitted inside the math training that you both did?

I may now know why you come into my lifetime. You might be indirectly teaching me a lesson, but I think I would be the one teaching you a lesson instead.

For someone like you who has looks and brains, you should be off the market by then, but you landed in front of me. You were handed over to me that I reluctantly refused to accept. Truth to be told, I wasn't even that attracted physically - perhaps the disdain of knowing I'm older than you preceded to whatever they are marketing you to me. I was making a mission if you are indeed attractive enough, I have a plethora of options for you to choose from among my friends and acquaintances so I knew I got to ask the question every friend of mine hold dear to them. Fortunately or unfortunately, the result was what I didn't expect. Every possible move I make to make you not want me enough, you unconsciously countering or destroying it.

Knowing that you, the time and situation are playing right in my hands, I knew I can manage you and waiting for you to leave, ghost (well almost until some Divine Intervention intercepted my impulsive plans when you didn't respond for 5 days) or rejected. But as time goes by, conversation still going on, things are changing - suddenly time is starting to become my enemy.

I never felt belittling myself in my whole dating life until I met you. Because of your dating drought, I guess I'm probably the best person you end up meeting post drought. Someone who was in that situation before; someone who knew that if you think the same way I did 8 years ago, you're going to be screwed if not careful; someone who will choose to be called stupid for letting go of someone like you instead of being selfish because I knew that you deserve to explore to find the one that is best for you; someone who will choose to protect you and thinking what might be the best option for you while not take advantage of you as an unsuspecting prey.

I think I might be willing to choose this path - even if it meant I might not end up with you. If it means that I'm going to need you to teach something to prepare you for your next stop or final destination - I just think, I'm going to be ready for whatever.

Right now, I just know I have a hidden diamond in my hands, as long as I did my part on not prematurely giving it up, giving my best shot, and understanding that it may not be something my system would understand - but as long as it's right, I think we should be fine by then.

(To be Continued)...